©Daryl Januszewski 2017

This may be a sort of “Easter Egg” – the original artwork for this planet was actually one of my space-themed Kawaii365 projects…

So it just seemed natural that she should have some inhabitants – who wouldn’t want to live on such a friendly little planet!

About the Name:

It is an anagram from these animal character names:

  • Z from Zebat
  • U from Unicat
  • R from Rabbird
  • B from Beever
  • P from Parrofly/Pandaroo/Penguana
  • O from Octomouse
  • D from Dogosaur

About the Planet:

Firstly, as you can see from the map of character homes above, there are some “sub divisions” (or neighborhoods), which I have dubbed “Brown Sugar Beach” (only beach there), “Veggie Forest” (for the healthier characters) and area surrounding “Zurbpod Lake” for the more aquatic characters – other aquatic ones like Octomouse and Penguana live right near “Zurbpod Sea” (only sea).

This planet is small, like Pluto-sized small, or comparable to Earth’s moon. It only needs to be big enough for 12 inhabitants ^_^

Perhaps this is because I’m Canadian (we have almost 7 months of winter here in Red Deer, Alberta), but I designed Zurbpod to have a winter-free climate so they never have to worry about:

  • Slipping on ice (the worst!)
  • Blizzards
  • Hypothermia/frost bite

If you’re sad for them that they can’t have snowball fights and build snowmen…. you’ll be happy to know that they can easily do this with the edible and tasty “sand” on Brown Sugar Beach!

BTW, their “water” is like our Kool-Aid(TM), though sort of clear blue, it is drinkable and would taste similar to blue raspberry.

Their sky is a light purple, and the “clouds” are made of cotton candy (coincidentally Froogle’s favorite food), which helps keep the warmth in. When it “rains”, it’s just a sponge effect from the cotton candy clouds absorbing the evaporated “water”, so it’s perfectly safe – and yummy! – for the animals to stick out their tongue and have a drink!

Before you think all they do is “eat candy” (which Unicat’s castle-home is made from), remember that Veggie Forest has trees made from giant broccoli, and other large vegetables such as carrots, which keeps Rabbird pretty happy!

Nonetheless, all the animals are quite familiar with Earth and it’s inhabitants, Pandaroo owning a high-power telescope. In many ways, the animals try to live like “Hooman Beans” which they mistakenly think human beings are called ^_^

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